Posts tagged with Artur-Sikora

  1. Barbican - a place where the heart beats faster

    2024-07-15 15:09:12 UTC

    My longing for nature, silence, and isolation over the years likely stems from living in a busy and noisy environment. With age, our needs change, and we crave something entirely different from what we once sought There are special moments when the heart races with excitement. We all experience them.…

  2. Against the Wind…

    2023-12-12 12:31:00 UTC

    A short trip to Dalkey Island and beyond. This is something I’ve been thinking about for a while but haven’t had a chance to try. Until last Sunday. A sunny break during the windy and rainy season. The perfect moment to fly a drone over the sea. Especially if the…

  3. No Ball Games

    2023-11-20 17:45:36 UTC

    While browsing through files on old hard drives, I came across photographs I created in 2010, 2013 and 2015. Some are part of my ‘Unfulfilled Dreams’ project, some were never published. These are photographs commemorating an important place in Dublin that had great significance both in architectural and sociological terms.Ballymun…

  4. Just Portraits of Buildings.

    2023-05-09 08:28:03 UTC

    Two years after creating the short series ‘Waiting for Dawn’, I returned to the idea of working with building models, which was its essence.  ‘Portraits of buildings’ - For a long time I was wondering how to run this project and what materials to use so that this time I…

  5. Hook Head

    2023-01-19 12:17:33 UTC

    This relatively small and beautiful island of Ireland has so much to offer. Its history, amazing landscape, unique architecture… This is just the tip of the iceberg I have mentioned several times that whenever I have a day or two to spare, I try to explore as much as possible.…

  6. St. Patrick’s Campus, DCU by Andy Devane - part 3

    2022-07-20 16:12:07 UTC

    This is the third and final blog entry presenting photographs of St Patrick’s Campus, DCU.  Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Chapel, designed in 1964 - probably the most recognisable building in the area. Beautiful floating structure with stunning details and impressive stained glass windows.  I highly recommend checking ‘More than…

  7. St. Patrick’s Campus, DCU by Andy Devane - part 2

    2022-07-15 17:13:35 UTC

    St Patrick’s Campus (DCU) is unique on so many levels. Architecture and its scale are very human-friendly. Also, everything is kept in beautiful condition. Well done to anyone who is responsible for that.  In this photo presentation, we are moving to students’ residences, just beside office buildings which you can…

  8. St. Patrick’s Campus, DCU by Andy Devane - part 1

    2022-07-13 18:48:30 UTC

    After a really busy few weeks, I am slowly getting back online (at least for now) presenting some photographs I was working on lately for both - my commercial and also a personal portfolio.  I will start here with my personal collection, with photographs that complement the cycle of works…

  9. St. Aengus’ Church in Burt

    2022-05-24 19:40:00 UTC

    My journey came to an end so this is the last post regarding Liam McCormick and his Donegal Churches. I left a space and the final presentation for probably the most recognisable building out of all seven. St Aengus’ Church in Burt, 1964-67   4x5 Pinhole camera with Ilford FP4+ exposed…

  10. Star of the Sea Church in Desertegney

    2022-05-19 22:29:58 UTC

    I am slowly approaching the end of my ‘pilgrimage’ and thus the presentation of its fruits - photography.  There are two more churches to visit - in my humble opinion the most interesting of the five I have seen this short rainy weekend. These also, belong to a small group…

  11. St. Patrick’s Church in Murlog

    2022-05-14 22:22:53 UTC

    My journey continues. Fortunately, it has stopped raining. It’s still cloudy, but the day looks good My next stop is Murlog and McCormick’s second oldest church after Milford. Built between 1962-64 and altered in 1994, truly large scale, built on a polygonal cruciform plan St. Patrick’s Church.  Impressive structure as…

  12. St. Peter’s Church in Milford

    2022-05-10 16:11:42 UTC

    It started to rain again when I was still in front of Donoughmore Presbyterian Church in Liscooley. I quickly run to the car and slowly moved towards Milford - My next location.  After about 45 minutes I noticed a characteristic hexagonal tower emerging from between the buildings. It was St…

  13. Return to Liam McCormick’s Churches

    2022-05-08 12:54:02 UTC

    Two years ago I had a chance to see some of Liam McCormick’s work for the first time. Two out of seven Donegal Churches It was St Conal’s Church in Glenties and St Michael’s Church in Creeslough. Here is the link to the blog post I wrote back then: ‘Liam…

  14. Maybe it’s just nostalgia…

    2021-10-11 16:54:21 UTC

    Travelling around Ireland makes me more and more aware of how important it is to preserve historical values. Whether it is architecture, landscape or anything else related to our surroundings and culture. I am pointing Ireland here as this is my home for almost two decades now and I do…

  15. Intrepid 4x5 Mk 4 camera - new adventure

    2020-10-16 17:47:10 UTC

    It took me only two years to get back to large format photography. And I mean here - camera with the lens as I am continually using my incredible pinhole cameras with perspective correction (4x5 and 8x10).  After selling Sinar F2 (in 2018), which I had been using for many…

  16. Large format 8x10

    2020-07-18 16:33:00 UTC

    Writing of this post will be stretched in time - a form of a short diary.  I am starting on Saturday morning on the 11th of July, and I can’t wait until the next week to tell you what I feel today… And I am amazed. My visual perception of…

  17. Irish Management Institute

    2020-07-10 07:35:06 UTC

    The Irish Management Institute is an Irish business school located in Sandyford, the suburbs of southern Dublin. It contains offices, a library, a restaurant and teaching facilities A unique campus designed by Arthur Gibney in 1974. The same year, Arthur Gibney received the RIAI Triennial Gold Medal for the IMI…

  18. Wesley House

    2020-07-03 22:31:11 UTC

    For the first time this year, I didn't write my Saturday blog for two weeks in a row. Good to be back after this unexpected break.  The restrictions have been loosened a bit so it would seem that it will be easier to reach certain places. Not necessarily. Several areas…

  19. My cameras - part IV - instant photography

    2020-05-15 18:38:16 UTC

    Instant cameras - did you think I forgot about them? No, not at all I just wanted to wait a bit with this post and avoid the situation when my blog turns into a purely technical, full of camera descriptions. In addition, real experience with this technology is relatively new…

  20. Ringsend Public Library

    2020-04-30 16:01:32 UTC

    Last week, I thought it would be a good idea to photograph an interesting building from my favourite period (or around that time), which in architecture was called modern movement. It is supposed to be something that I haven’t photographed yet, or I didn’t pay much attention to. Not an…

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