Wesley House
July 3, 2020For the first time this year, I didn't write my Saturday blog for two weeks in a row. Good to be back after this unexpected break.
The restrictions have been loosened a bit so it would seem that it will be easier to reach certain places. Not necessarily. Several areas that are worth seeing are still inaccessible. Also, the weather has changed and is completely unpredictable these days.
My small list of buildings that I would like to photograph will have to wait for a while.
Fortunately, there are still places I haven't discovered.
Photographs presented in this text shows one of them. A hidden gem, quietly resting in the narrow lane beside the Methodist Centenary Church.
Unexpected find? Yes, but no mine. It came out during a conversation with Rafal, a friend of mine who spotted this building during his photo walks some time ago.
Thanks for the hint!
Wesley House student residence.
The building was designed in 1972 by Scott Tallon Walker Architects which was mentioned only in two places available to me, so I am not entirely sure if it is correct. I would be grateful if anyone could confirm it.
It is not the first structure I came across, which seems to be forgotten, and finding information related to it seems impossible.
It is a relatively small building, very interesting in its form, with really good looking raw facade.
The building is temporarily closed so no access to it. Still photographing area around was fascinating.
It was the first time I photographed the entire building using Holga only (with Ilford Delta 400 pro). I found it a very capable camera with a specific character.
I made also only one photograph with my large format 4x5 pinhole camera. I presented it already on my social media channels last week.
The same day I visited another fantastic place which I wanted to explore a long time ago. But this is something for the next blog post.
Until next week then!
Thank you