Star of the Sea Church in Desertegney
May 19, 2022I am slowly approaching the end of my ‘pilgrimage’ and thus the presentation of its fruits - photography.
There are two more churches to visit - in my humble opinion the most interesting of the five I have seen this short rainy weekend. These also, belong to a small group of three that I like the most out of all of the Seven Churches of Donegal.
Let’s start with the first of them today - Star of the Sea Church in Desertegney (1964). Liam McCormick designed it in the shape of a boat with porthole-like windows. It’s a beautiful building with a completely unique, full of organic shapes interior.
Perhaps it’s enough of this modest description. Time for photographs, and these shouldn’t require additional words. The weather has stabilized so I was able to create more images. And that was the purpose of this trip.
Thank you!