Posts tagged with Irish-modernism
St. Patrick’s Campus, DCU by Andy Devane - part 2
2022-07-15 17:13:35 UTCSt Patrick’s Campus (DCU) is unique on so many levels. Architecture and its scale are very human-friendly. Also, everything is kept in beautiful condition. Well done to anyone who is responsible for that. In this photo presentation, we are moving to students’ residences, just beside office buildings which you can…
St. Patrick’s Campus, DCU by Andy Devane - part 1
2022-07-13 18:48:30 UTCAfter a really busy few weeks, I am slowly getting back online (at least for now) presenting some photographs I was working on lately for both - my commercial and also a personal portfolio. I will start here with my personal collection, with photographs that complement the cycle of works…
Star of the Sea Church in Desertegney
2022-05-19 22:29:58 UTCI am slowly approaching the end of my ‘pilgrimage’ and thus the presentation of its fruits - photography. There are two more churches to visit - in my humble opinion the most interesting of the five I have seen this short rainy weekend. These also, belong to a small group…
St. Peter’s Church in Milford
2022-05-10 16:11:42 UTCIt started to rain again when I was still in front of Donoughmore Presbyterian Church in Liscooley. I quickly run to the car and slowly moved towards Milford - My next location. After about 45 minutes I noticed a characteristic hexagonal tower emerging from between the buildings. It was St…