1. St. Patrick’s Church in Murlog

    2022-05-14 22:22:53 UTC
    My journey continues. Fortunately, it has stopped raining. It’s still cloudy, but the day looks good My next stop is Murlog and McCormick’s second oldest church after Milford. Built between 1962-64 and altered in 1994, truly large scale, built on a polygonal cruciform plan St. Patrick’s Church.  Impressive structure as…

  2. St. Peter’s Church in Milford

    2022-05-10 16:11:42 UTC
    It started to rain again when I was still in front of Donoughmore Presbyterian Church in Liscooley. I quickly run to the car and slowly moved towards Milford - My next location.  After about 45 minutes I noticed a characteristic hexagonal tower emerging from between the buildings. It was St…

  3. Return to Liam McCormick’s Churches

    2022-05-08 12:54:02 UTC
    Two years ago I had a chance to see some of Liam McCormick’s work for the first time. Two out of seven Donegal Churches It was St Conal’s Church in Glenties and St Michael’s Church in Creeslough. Here is the link to the blog post I wrote back then: ‘Liam…

  4. Maybe it’s just nostalgia…

    2021-10-11 16:54:21 UTC
    Travelling around Ireland makes me more and more aware of how important it is to preserve historical values. Whether it is architecture, landscape or anything else related to our surroundings and culture. I am pointing Ireland here as this is my home for almost two decades now and I do…

  5. Paradise found

    2021-07-27 15:04:42 UTC
    The older I get, the more I am tired of living in the city. I am looking more and more for isolation, peace and space Having lived in Ireland for almost two decades, I never had the time to fully experience the beauty of this little island. That changed a…

  6. Enchanted by the light

    2021-04-18 10:18:00 UTC
    I have been walking the streets of Dublin photographing architecture for well over a decade. I was not aware that there is still something that could surprise me. Especially when it comes to places that I visit regularly. However, all you need is the right light and the familiar space…

  7. Waiting for Dawn - first vision…

    2021-01-24 18:27:39 UTC
    Dusk is falling. The streets are getting empty. Only a few figures slip through the concrete maze. In the distance, you can hear the last murmurs of the day. The city is falling asleep… *** ‘Waiting for Dawn’ is a night walk through non-existent housing estates. The walk through the…

  8. Art Deco church in Drumcondra

    2020-10-27 13:59:45 UTC
    Griffith Avenue is one of the most beautiful streets in central Dublin. The majestic trees along the road on both sides give this place an incredible charm Green in the summer, exploding with colours in Autumn. Among these trees and the surrounding low-rise buildings, there is a magnificent architectural object…

  9. Intrepid 4x5 Mk 4 camera - new adventure

    2020-10-16 17:47:10 UTC
    It took me only two years to get back to large format photography. And I mean here - camera with the lens as I am continually using my incredible pinhole cameras with perspective correction (4x5 and 8x10).  After selling Sinar F2 (in 2018), which I had been using for many…

  10. Liam McCormick and sacral architecture

    2020-08-23 14:21:05 UTC
    I just spent a week in Donegal, the most incredible part of Ireland. Every year I try to spend some time travelling around the country and I am always amazed at how beautiful it is. The landscape here is unreal.  But Ireland is not just a landscape. It’s also beautiful…

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