1. Contact prints without enlarger - part I - paper negative

    2020-02-23 15:29:00 UTC
    It has been over five years since my last blog post related to any wet print tests. It is also about a year now since I had to remove all enlargers and associated accessories from my house, making other people happy using them. Yes, complete lack of space and time…

  2. In Memoriam…

    2020-02-15 08:55:07 UTC
    This text was supposed to be about something else. Due to unexpected circumstances, however, I decided to change the subject.  Paul Koralek, cofounder of renowned architectural practice Ahrends, Burton, Koralek Architects (ABK Architects), passed away a few days ago.  I had a chance to meet him while working at ABK…

  3. Short break

    2020-02-07 22:10:56 UTC
    In a post last week I wrote about my fast changing neighbourhood. However, this does not apply to the entire area. There are still places here that are slightly different.  Like this across the street. Several lanes with picturesque red brick terrace houses built in 1890–1910 for dockers.  Many of…

  4. Towers (return)

    2020-01-31 19:15:52 UTC
    In below post I am presenting more visual content based on material recorded a few years ago, photographs I already published on my social media channels but not in the form of the entirety My neighbourhood, Docklands area is constantly changing. It’s like a pot of bubbling boiling soup. Now…

  5. Lensless photography

    2020-01-25 00:01:08 UTC
    A lens-camera is a great, usually very precise creative tool that helps you express yourself visually. Pinhole camera however it’s a completely different story.  Here you have to rely on your intuition. Except for obvious pre-visualisation in case of emulsion-based materials and analogue photography, you have to 'guess' the scene/frame…

  6. Holga

    2020-01-18 16:35:42 UTC
    I started my photography adventure with Russian Zenith in my hand in an early ’90s. Of course, there was a Smena 8M earlier but it was gone before I finished the first roll of film so it doesn’t count. Then Olympus OM 1 and Minolta (don’t remember model).  Suddenly, about…

  7. My Architectural Photography…

    2020-01-10 21:39:12 UTC
    As I promised in the previous post, I will do my best to fill this space with text frequently. From now on you can expect new articles every weekend. To do that this blog will turn into a form of a diary from time to time. I will continue to…

  8. Changes…

    2020-01-05 09:06:00 UTC
    After a few weeks of thinking about it, I decided to continue blogging within my website instead of I was using for the last 10 years now.  No, I am not deleting my old blog. It is still there and will remain but time has come for some changes.…

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