Towers (return)

In below post I am presenting more visual content based on material recorded a few years ago, photographs I already published on my social media channels but not in the form of the entirety. My neighbourhood, Docklands area is constantly changing. It’s like a pot of bubbling boiling soup. Now and then something fresh appears or disappears. Around four years ago a larger area started to transform significantly. After a few months, it caught my attention as visually absorbing structure began to appear.
Massive, concrete lift shafts. Theoretically standard way of erecting a tall building. This time however that was different. I’ve got an instant connotation with medieval castle towers. I made my cameras ready, loaded films and decided to wait for the right moment. Then frequent visits began…

And the last photo, which is a bit more important to me. Why is it like that? Click HERE to view my old blog post (2017)…
In fact, it was the first photo made in the area. 

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