Modern industrial societies, rapid growth of cities and then war... destruction, housing problem and poverty.
The need for exit form the crisis was crucial... Modernist ideology, movement with self-consciousness as an important element leading to experiments with form and new technologies... it was the answer.
Berlin, almost completely destroyed, gave planners and architects unique opportunity to create new spaces from scratch... A dream for designers who faced opportunity of implementing genuine ideas on such a massive scale.
I worked on this short term project in April and May 2015.
Classic modernist architecture is so well represented in this city.
I was able however to visit and photograph only a few building.
I divided them into three groups - galleries/museums, housing and public buildings.
Detailed description of photographed objects is available on my blog (link in ABOUT section). Just follow 'Berlin' tag please.
This mini series is also an extension of 'Unfulfilled Dreams' project dedicated to Irish modernist architecture.

Bauhaus Archive Museum
Alex Cvijanovic and Hans Bandel /1979/
Original design by Walter Gropius /1964/